Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hanes: The Quiet Green Company

I have just had the privilege of joining my awesome wife Carolina Mama who is a part of the Hanes Comfort Crew get together at Walt Disney's Contemporary Resort. Of course I will have to write about some of the incredible experiences, but I want to share how I was very impressed with the fact the Hanes has been quietly becoming more & more green every year. This is something I am very passionate about as you know!

This began several years ago.
"In 2009, our CO2 emissions from our transportation and logistics operations fell by 41 percent."
Thanks to Hanes efforts last year, 70 million water bottles did not hit the landfills last year. Instead, they were turned into Ecosmart Fibers that was then used to produce clothing! Unbelievable.

They recycled 25 million water bottles last year, what an incredible jump in just a year. We need more companies like this committing to environmentally friendly ways of doing business. That is awesome!
Check out Hanes Green Page today to learn more about a major company taking initiative to reduce their footprint. I can't wait to share more about this awesome company.

Until next time,
Boulder Mountain Man