Friday, September 24, 2010

Harpers Ferry Family Fun Day

This week we're going to Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, Maryland, and Virginia! 3 states in less than an hour's time! This is a very quaint, historically rich town that we really just ended up there one Saturday as we were enjoying a country drive outside of Northern Virginia. It is a peaceful place, with some awesome shops, restaurants, and lots of history.

Anytime of year is great, but if you can do it in the fall when the leaves are changing that is when I recommend the most. It happens to also be the beginning (or end) of the nationally renowned Shenandoah National Park with Skyline Drive as a highlight for the fall! We never did make Skyline Drive, but I have heard it is a must see.

So, if time permits you need to spend 2-3 days in the area taking in the breathtaking scenery and then enjoying the awesome history of our country.

Did you know that President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed legislation creating Harpers Ferry National Monument on June 29, 1944!

How about you, is it fall weather yet in your neck of the woods? Big plans this weekend, or is it time to watch your favorite football team?

Until next Family Friday Fun,
Boulder Mountain Man

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