Friday, September 10, 2010

NC State "Green" Golfing Green

Today for Family Friday Fun Day, we are in North Carolina, NC State. Of all things to stumble upon in the Going Green World, we have golf courses that are going green! The Lonnie Poole Golf Course at NC State University is an amazing new innovation that takes Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to a new level!

What a great concept: A high class golf course that is environmentally friendly, with further research on how to implement "Green" greens at other resorts! If you are in the Raleigh, NC area to golf, you need to come check this innovative course out. Swing in the Lonnie Poole Golf Course at NC State University today, and enjoy golf at a new level.

Do you like to golf? Let me know how golfing on an environmentally friendly golf course goes for you. It's cooling down in our area, how about yours? It looks like a great weekend for golf!

Until next Family Friday Fun,
Boulder Mountain Man


  1. I'm cheap so I mostly golf on the city of Denver courses - we don't exactly have the most arid climate and I'm quite certain our greens aren't all that green .... mostly because they are all quite old! I do know that they use non-potable water and I have read that some are using particular grasses that need less water. I also think that because they are built in smaller areas they probably use less fuel to cut the grasses. hmmm, I tried, who knows!

  2. They have a real Green golf course in golden. Coors makes them use all organic methods, since the ground water is used in their beer.

  3. Loved winning my only Golf Tournament in Colorado! :) I was the female on an awesome male team and hit the longest stroke for the ladies... good times! Love those greens!
