Thursday, November 4, 2010

Game Night - Family Friday Fun Day

Tonight, instead of going out or having movie night, have a game night instead! This is a great way for family interaction and a great way to teach the kids how to both win and lose graciously. There are many great options. Board games, card games, strategy games.

Not video games, mind you. We love movies and video games, but there is a lot less interaction with these avenues. A fun way to spend time together at home on the weekend is to have one weekend night as a movie night. The other night or maybe a Saturday afternoon, play some board games. Try it one weekend. We obviously cannot do both every weekend, but it this a great way to have fun a little differently. They say variety is the spice of life.

I find myself wanting to spend a little more time at home instead of constantly being on the run. It seems we just get busier and busier as the children are growing up right under our noses. Have a fireplace? Sit in front of the fire and play the games! Have some hot apple cider or your favorite cup of tea while playing.

What are some of your favorite games to play? There are so many great ones to chose from!

Until next Friday Family Fun Day,

Until next Family Friday Fun,
Boulder Mountain Man

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